Logistics - Driver Development

The company operates a driver training facility and fleet efficiency and safety monitoring centre at Gilwilly, Penrith.
The two fully qualified DSA LGV instructors operating at the site carry out pre-employment driving assessments and deliver the company’s Driver CPC training programme. New drivers who are judged to measure up to A.W. Jenkinson’s stringent requirements undergo a two day induction to ensure they are fully aware of current rules and regulations, company procedures, health and safety issues and the special features of AWJ vehicles.
Driver efficiency is also monitored at Gilwilly. Every vehicle features on-board telematics which generates weekly driver efficiency reports. The in-cab technology is also used to monitor fuel usage and emissions. Employees whose reports highlight the emergence of bad driving habits are advised on driving in ways that promote safety and fuel efficiency.
Best driving practice is actively promoted through A.W. Jenkinson’s graduated bonus scheme. The scheme is cash incentivised, with bonuses paid weekly to drivers who have surpassed agreed fuel efficiency levels.
The Gilwilly site also forms an important hub for the collection and analysis of vehicle safety and RTI data. This close monitoring enables the team to ensure drivers are conducting themselves in a safe and considerate manner on the road. Any driver who is causing special concern through the number or seriousness of incidents they are involved in is automatically entered into a programme of further assessment and training.
Safety and Compliance

A.W. Jenkinson employs ex-VOSA personnel to ensure that vehicles are fully compliant with the latest UK and European legislation governing road haulage.
Operatives are issued with a full complement of personal protective equipment. The company maintains a substantial stock of work-wear in its dedicated stores, enabling prompt issue and replacement of items as required.